"Action is the foundational key to all success."   - Pablo Picasso

Remember: Your main focus is creating an income stream through digital products, fulfilling studio commitments, branding the studio, maintaining daily artwork practice, and prioritizing personal development.

1. Income Stream Creation

Objective: Generate a sustainable income through digital products.
  • Focus on exploring and reselling white label digital products.
  • Implement a "just do it" approach by taking daily actionable steps.

2. Studio Commitments

Objective: Complete existing projects efficiently.
  • Prioritize projects for Hype Williams Landscapes Agency, META Festival, and Misato Studios.
  • Deliver work on time and maintain communication with clients.

3. Studio Branding

Objective: Create a name and brand for the studio.
  • Brainstorm and finalize the studio name.
  • Begin the branding process with Jorge.

4. Artwork as a Habit

Objective: Maintain daily practice and develop a system for posting.
  • Dedicate at least one hour per day to creating artwork.
  • Aim to post new artwork every other day initially.

5. Personal Development

Objective: Improve fitness, nutrition, and mental health.
  • Develop and start a fitness plan to reach 12% body fat by August 15th.
  • Create a new nutrition plan and adjust your sleep schedule.
  • Seek psychological support through therapy sessions (BetterHelp/local options).

Deus Ex Volente

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin quis neque ac nunc aliquet cursus porttitor dignissim sapien. Nunc eu lorem ipsum. Phasellus aliquam nulla eget est mollis mattis. Sed rhoncus leo enim, id tincidunt libero tristique.
Ipsum Sit Deus

Etiam non mi vel neque euismod feugiat. Donec rhoncus odio in nibh ornare, eu interdum ligula condimentum. Etiam sollicitudin consectetur ante sed posuere. Sed id purus nunc. Morbi leo est, rhoncus sit amet justo quis, ultrices accumsan diam.